Payless Auto Sales

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About Us

Come by and see any of the TRENT'S  Chris , Terry,  "dad" Junior , "mom" Lena trent,  whether or not you're in the market for a new truck or SUV.  If you don't have time to stop and chat, then just honk and wave. 

Chris Trent

J. R. Trent


                      "DAD" JR Trent

Family owned and operated since in the 1980's, Payless Auto Sales is proud to be one of Morristown's only dealerships without a Doc Fee, customer service fee, lot fee, or title fee!! you don't even pay a salesperson fee.  We offer extended warranties on most vehicles at the lowest prices around anywhere.  We offer quality pre-owned vehicles at very reasonble prices.  Most of our customers are repeat business because we treat people like we like to be treated.  If you don't see a truck or SUV you want on our lot, call or stop by to ask about it - if you can't find it, we can find it for you.  If you're not interested in a used or pre-owned vehicle, we have access to brand new trucks, cars, and SUVs, also. 

Payless Auto Sales * 3648 E. Morris Blvd * Morristown * TN * 37813  Phone: (423) 317-8855  Fax (423)586-1788  "   located 1 mile east of college square mall on morris blvd.."

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